84.36 miles this week
Pretty good week of running. My consistency was much better than previous weeks and nothing hurt too bad. So, I've been getting harassed because my blog is a little boring (Kerry & Laura) and unless you're really interested in my training regimen and daily miles, then I guess I would have to agree. So how do I "spice" this thing up?
I'll try and tackle a different subject or topic each week along with my weekly mileage recaps. What those topics will be?... yet to be determined. Maybe I'll use this a little like those of you on Facebook: I'm sitting at starbucks sipping on a mocha (no, really I am). But then again, I'm the person who has zero interest in having a Facebook and typically make fun of those who do. Especially those who post updates every 10 or 15 minutes on how you're feeling or what you're watching on the Oxygen or Hunting channel. I'll be more than happy to discuss running and training with those of you who are interested, but seeing how my followers are pretty slim right now, I'll keep it light unless you ask.
So why do I consider this "Running in Hell"? Besides the 115 degree temperatures that invade Phoenix, the desert's rocky, scratch that, very rocky footing is problematic at best. The ground is dry (obviously...) and every known kind of cactus just happens to be waiting on the side of the trail. There's nothing like bleeding all over your shoes while running the 25 miles back to your car. I wear neon green training shoes, blood doesn't look good on them.
I would imagine that hell would be hot, rocky, and dry. Throw in some cacti and you've got my own version of that infamous flaming place. Oh, and in Phoenix every day is the same. Not that I don't love being able to forecast the weather 95% percent of the year (sunny & hot pretty much does it). It definitely gets boring! There is very little originality in the weather or terrain. I mean, I can go for a 30 mile run and the only thing that changes is the height of the cacti and temperature increasing to levels where one could fire pottery without using a kiln.
Clearly, I'm not the biggest fan of Arizona. Luckily, it's not all bad....contrary to what I may say. Even though the training here isn't the greatest, in some ways I feel that I'm gaining an edge on the competition. I'm still not 100% sure what that edge is going to be, but once I figure it out, I'm sure I'll be all right.
Till next week: run hard, run far, and don't fall 'cause it'll hurt.
New Commuter
Pic by K. McDaniel
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Work isn't understanding
Sunday 01/02
I had a good, late afternoon run after running errands with Kerry all morning. I got in 14 miles (2:03) on a somewhat chilly and breezy afternoon in the desert. I'm still a little surprised about how cold it's been here over the last week or so, but it did prompt me to order a few colder weather running items from running warehouse.
I'm still having trouble getting up this little short and steep hill. It's only .39 miles long but it's a rock garden with every step you take sliding one way or another with roughly an 18% grade. I may just have to settle with this climb taking a lot longer than it should because of the horrible footing.
Monday 01/03
So, I'm getting ready to head out the door and over to Dreamy for my morning run when I get a call that my uniform order for work is probably incorrect. With my basketball league starting this evening I had no choice but to shower and head in. Unfortunately, they were right when they said the uniform order wasn't correct. I ended up spending the morning and afternoon getting my basketball uniform order straightened out and getting in trouble in the process. I could tell you more about it, but I would have to start an entire other blog to tell you about it. It was quite the Monday...
Tuesday 01/04
After a long and exhausting day at work on Monday I headed into Dreamy for a long 9.6 miles (1:33:41). I say long because the hills were longer and steeper than they've been in several weeks. Not sure what was going on but I just couldn't get it together and up the hills this morning.
Wednesday 01/05
Another tough morning even though I ran a little better today, I still need to shake off the Monday-no-running-blues. 10.25 miles (1:40:17), a little short of the pace that I want to hold, but I feel between the bad footing and non-stop slipping on rocks that section of Dreamy is just going to be slow.
Thursday 01/06
Work is getting in the way of my training once again today. I'm trying to balance both as much as I can, but this week didn't work out that way. After missing Monday, I had two poor runs on Tuesday & Wednesday, and then missed again today with work responsibilities. Maybe I'm using work as an excuse too often, but none-the-less I need to try harder not to miss any days other than the one day a week I'm going to rest to keep my knees healthy. I'm going to continue riding once or twice a week as well, at least for the month of January.
Friday 01/07
After a frustrating Thursday of not getting to run, I headed out determined to turn over some miles. Not thinking about it or pushing myself very hard, I kicked up 10 miles (58:17:06) and felt great. I only had one climb and it was just a gradual hill with no more than a 3% or 4% incline on a nice and smooth trail with great footing. It's been so long since I've run on flat and smooth terrain that I forgot what it was like to run sub 6 minute miles. Later in the day it turned out to be quite costly. My calves were so sore that I could barely walk after sitting at my desk for too long. Plus, as the day progressed I started feeling a slight twinge in my left calf. The last thing that I need after a poor week of running is a strained calf muscle.
Saturday 01/08
What a pathetic week in running! It's upsetting that I ran less than 50 miles this week when it should have been around 80 or 90. As mentioned above, I'm trying to balance a full and somewhat sporadic work schedule with training and the first week has proven to be difficult. I missed two days in the middle of week which I CAN'T afford to do. After yesterday my left calf has as many knots in it as a golf ball has dimples. With that said, yes, I'm missing another day this week and for those of you who are counting that makes 3. I'll be spending today in shame and refocusing on the week at ahead.
I had a good, late afternoon run after running errands with Kerry all morning. I got in 14 miles (2:03) on a somewhat chilly and breezy afternoon in the desert. I'm still a little surprised about how cold it's been here over the last week or so, but it did prompt me to order a few colder weather running items from running warehouse.
I'm still having trouble getting up this little short and steep hill. It's only .39 miles long but it's a rock garden with every step you take sliding one way or another with roughly an 18% grade. I may just have to settle with this climb taking a lot longer than it should because of the horrible footing.
Monday 01/03
So, I'm getting ready to head out the door and over to Dreamy for my morning run when I get a call that my uniform order for work is probably incorrect. With my basketball league starting this evening I had no choice but to shower and head in. Unfortunately, they were right when they said the uniform order wasn't correct. I ended up spending the morning and afternoon getting my basketball uniform order straightened out and getting in trouble in the process. I could tell you more about it, but I would have to start an entire other blog to tell you about it. It was quite the Monday...
Tuesday 01/04
After a long and exhausting day at work on Monday I headed into Dreamy for a long 9.6 miles (1:33:41). I say long because the hills were longer and steeper than they've been in several weeks. Not sure what was going on but I just couldn't get it together and up the hills this morning.
Wednesday 01/05
Another tough morning even though I ran a little better today, I still need to shake off the Monday-no-running-blues. 10.25 miles (1:40:17), a little short of the pace that I want to hold, but I feel between the bad footing and non-stop slipping on rocks that section of Dreamy is just going to be slow.
Thursday 01/06
Work is getting in the way of my training once again today. I'm trying to balance both as much as I can, but this week didn't work out that way. After missing Monday, I had two poor runs on Tuesday & Wednesday, and then missed again today with work responsibilities. Maybe I'm using work as an excuse too often, but none-the-less I need to try harder not to miss any days other than the one day a week I'm going to rest to keep my knees healthy. I'm going to continue riding once or twice a week as well, at least for the month of January.
Friday 01/07
After a frustrating Thursday of not getting to run, I headed out determined to turn over some miles. Not thinking about it or pushing myself very hard, I kicked up 10 miles (58:17:06) and felt great. I only had one climb and it was just a gradual hill with no more than a 3% or 4% incline on a nice and smooth trail with great footing. It's been so long since I've run on flat and smooth terrain that I forgot what it was like to run sub 6 minute miles. Later in the day it turned out to be quite costly. My calves were so sore that I could barely walk after sitting at my desk for too long. Plus, as the day progressed I started feeling a slight twinge in my left calf. The last thing that I need after a poor week of running is a strained calf muscle.
Saturday 01/08
What a pathetic week in running! It's upsetting that I ran less than 50 miles this week when it should have been around 80 or 90. As mentioned above, I'm trying to balance a full and somewhat sporadic work schedule with training and the first week has proven to be difficult. I missed two days in the middle of week which I CAN'T afford to do. After yesterday my left calf has as many knots in it as a golf ball has dimples. With that said, yes, I'm missing another day this week and for those of you who are counting that makes 3. I'll be spending today in shame and refocusing on the week at ahead.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Last Light Week
This will be my last week of light training for the year and then it's back to focusing on the Jemez.
Sunday 12/26
As mentioned before, very seldom do I ever see people out on the trail even when the parking lot is full. However, not today! The trail was actually crowded on the front side with hikers. I'm guessing people were trying to start their new year resolutions early in hopes of sticking with it. Or it could have been all the holiday sweets...
Dreamy Draw -
8.59 miles 1:13
average heart rate 169bpm -
I got a little carried away in mile 5 and ran it in 6:57, which hurt during my final climb and last 2.5 miles.
Tuesday 12/28
10.41 miles 1:33
average heart rate 167bpm
Thursday 12/30
Today was by far the coldest day of the year...at least for those of us living in Phoenix. I headed out a little before 8am with the temperature in the high 30's and the wind blowing 20-25 miles an hour. Even in my cold gear top it was still wood sh*t cold for Arizona. It was so cold that when I pulled into the parking lot I was the only car there and when I finished an hour and half later there where only 2 others. Granted, last year was a bit worse while I was living in Breckenridge, CO and walking to work on mornings when it was -35. Apparently my blood has thinned since then.
I ran pretty poorly today even though I felt great. I just couldn't get my legs to turn over. I typically run better when it's a little colder outside, but today didn't prove to be that way. I only turned over 9.12 miles in 1:20, my worst run in a while.
I have one more light run on Friday and then I get serious with my training again and start preparing for the spring and summer race season.
Friday 12/31
Another unusually cold day in Arizona and another day struggling up the hills in Dreamy Draw with the wind eating through my clothes. I left for a late run so I could run a few miles in the dark which is something I hardly ever practice. Something about running in the dark over the rocks and taking a header down the hill just doesn't seem all that appealing.
In the windy darkness I only turned over 6 miles, 4 of which were all steady climbing. A very short run, but I was getting frustrated with how badly I was climbing so I called it quits early.
Saturday 01/01
Happy New Year everyone! I started the year off with 31.45 miles on my mountain bike here on another cold day in Phoenix. I'm usually a fan of the cold weather; however, you just don't expect 33 degrees in the middle of the desert. My legs were practically numb by the time I came home. My bike shorts just weren't cutting it today.
Kerry and I are off to the Fiesta Bowl this evening to watch 2 teams that we know absolutely nothing about. Neither one of us has watched college football this season, but the tickets were free and the seats are great...so why not?
Hopefully this next week will go a little bit better. Stay tuned...
10.41 miles 1:33
average heart rate 167bpm
Thursday 12/30
Today was by far the coldest day of the year...at least for those of us living in Phoenix. I headed out a little before 8am with the temperature in the high 30's and the wind blowing 20-25 miles an hour. Even in my cold gear top it was still wood sh*t cold for Arizona. It was so cold that when I pulled into the parking lot I was the only car there and when I finished an hour and half later there where only 2 others. Granted, last year was a bit worse while I was living in Breckenridge, CO and walking to work on mornings when it was -35. Apparently my blood has thinned since then.
I ran pretty poorly today even though I felt great. I just couldn't get my legs to turn over. I typically run better when it's a little colder outside, but today didn't prove to be that way. I only turned over 9.12 miles in 1:20, my worst run in a while.
I have one more light run on Friday and then I get serious with my training again and start preparing for the spring and summer race season.
Friday 12/31
Another unusually cold day in Arizona and another day struggling up the hills in Dreamy Draw with the wind eating through my clothes. I left for a late run so I could run a few miles in the dark which is something I hardly ever practice. Something about running in the dark over the rocks and taking a header down the hill just doesn't seem all that appealing.
In the windy darkness I only turned over 6 miles, 4 of which were all steady climbing. A very short run, but I was getting frustrated with how badly I was climbing so I called it quits early.
Saturday 01/01
Happy New Year everyone! I started the year off with 31.45 miles on my mountain bike here on another cold day in Phoenix. I'm usually a fan of the cold weather; however, you just don't expect 33 degrees in the middle of the desert. My legs were practically numb by the time I came home. My bike shorts just weren't cutting it today.
Kerry and I are off to the Fiesta Bowl this evening to watch 2 teams that we know absolutely nothing about. Neither one of us has watched college football this season, but the tickets were free and the seats are great...so why not?
Hopefully this next week will go a little bit better. Stay tuned...
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